Oil & Honey
Design |
Oil & Honey Love to Worship® custom design, visible on both sides (front and back) © 2020 Swing Flag (no rod or dowel) |
Material |
100% satin silk (Mulberry silk), heavy weight, front with natural sheen and matt on the reverse |
Pairing |
● left and right flags are identical ● can be used as a single flag |
Variations |
None |
Usage |
Declare the flow of anointing and revelation. |
Inspiration. At a prophetic gathering a talk was given on the Seven Species and their meaning in the scriptures. Two of the Seven Species are the olive tree and the date palm. From the olive tree, olive oil is made and out of dates from the date palm a date honey is produced. The olive oil represents anointing, the date honey represents revelation. After the teaching, an impartation and ministry time followed accompanied by a song that spoke of the oil and honey, the anointing and revelation, flowing.
Immediately I saw in a vision a golden stream flowing with scarlet-crested waves and that vision formed the basis for the design. The golden waves represent the anointing and revelation intermingling with each other. They birth a stream of light and truth that gains in strength as the flow of the anointing and the revelation increases. All this is enabled by the blood of the Yeshua HaMashiach (Jesus Christ) which was shed (brown tones symbolising dried blood) and which still speaks on our behalf today (scarlet red tones symbolising the blood being alive).
Talk: Seven Species Blessing https://youtu.be/_GJcbWLEUrY
Sound: Let Your oil flow - anointing and ministry time https://youtu.be/v2h_4yyu708
Deuteronomy 8:7-8
For YHWH your God is bringing you into a good land, a land with streams, springs and water welling up from the depths in valleys and on hillsides. It is a land of wheat and barley, grapevines, fig trees and pomegranates; a land of olive oil and honey.